Maggie Lahm
As a child, I was told
I could be anything I wanted to be…
an astronaut,
a firefighter,
a police officer,
a doctor, my options were endless.
But as a young girl,
all I wanted to be was a princess,
the one that lives happily ever after
In beautiful palace with a
charming prince.
That was my dream.
I am not entirely sure when that
dream ended;
when the endless limit hit
its End.
Since then, Life has become
much less of a dream,
Life is more like a nightmare.
I know that I will never be a princess,
but sometimes,
for just a moment,
when time seems to finally
stand still, I still dream
I dream of that little girl
who dreamed for more than
Life could provide.
And I grieved for the girl
who was told she could be anything
she wanted to be.