I see you are out at sea.
Remnants of you left
on the strand line
full of dried sargassum seaweed
woven between rotten driftwood
and shriveled up garbage.
Their smell pungent
like the burning of coals.
But either way, I walk past
the mark of the tide
towards the surf.
The sand loosely moving
underneath my feet
along the drift of the sea,
like ashes in a shooken urn.
As the current of the riptide
pulls away between my toes,
and the tired sun sets the tone
that the day is over.
the ocean begins to call.
the same way you’ve described to me.
The roaring of the sea is so loud now.
The crashing of the waves
painfully crushing
the drums of my waterlogged ears
after a long day of swimming in the surf.
But I still yearn for more— I want to answer the call.
The stormy nimbostratus clouds float
gracefully on the horizon.
Hauntingly manipulating the seabed
below the surface, forming undertows
pulling more and more sand out to sea.
I hope you are safe,
because soon enough, the coastline will change.