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Lost in the Noise

Myles Kolar

After school, Casper walks home and runs to his room. He stares at his reflection in the mirror. The insults from class are still echoing in his mind. His lack of focus has become a label, one he can’t escape, no matter how hard he tries. He screams. His tantrum begins as he strips the items off his desk. He heaves them as  his screaming continues. He grabs his head, gripping his coarse dark hair tightly, as if he can tear his thoughts out. He yells again, removing the grip from his head. Looking down at his hands, he retracts his fingers, revealing strands of hair he’s pulled from his bruised scalp.

“What is wrong with me?” He pauses, catching his breath. His chest tightens. “What is wrong with me!” he screams.   He punches the  wall. Each strike harder than the last. Anger, and frustration building with every blow. His breath comes in ragged gasps, vision blurring. Looking at himself in the mirror, he sees only rage and pain—he puts his head through the glass. Sweat and blood drip into his eyes, and he feels his breath leave him. The silence feels strangely calm, almost peaceful.

The door knocks.

The silence breaks—

“Casper, are you okay?” His mom’s voice calls softly.

Casper freezes, his heart racing. He blinks, realizing it’s all in his head. He wipes his face with his trembling hands.

“Yeah, Mom. I’m okay.”

He takes a shaky breath, staring at the reflection he almost destroyed.




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