We walk beneath sunlit skies and vibrant hues.
Mountains standing guard over cattle and greens.
El campo sings its ballads, a major chorus.
La ciudad bustles in crowded streets.
Children play futbol in cobblestone alleyways.
Amidst heritage and culture, we dance,
embracing modernity and tradition.
Though with beauty comes all colors.
I witness stark disparity.
La catedral stands above the clouds
and the beggars.
Roofless tiendas cling to hope and their
corporate merchandise.
A mother nurses her quiet baby,
shielded by discomfort or normalcy.
A trapped boy attempts to hustle me,
eyes reflecting moral desperation.
A starving stray mauls obscure, mangled meat.Crowded and perilous, concrete homes kneel.
Under God, lives the spirit of resilience.
Church bells chime, breaking negligible chains.
At Mass, congregations gather in unity.
Cities sing hymns for faith, hope, and love.
They breathe the Father's mercy, the Son’s sacrifice,
and the Holy Spirit's gift.
Christ offers solace and hope.