Angelina Todaro
Dyed by You.
Throughout my life I’ve been dyed,
others’ tones diffused onto mine,
bleeding their ink onto me,
staining my unscathed hands.
Dispersing into every wrinkle,
under my nails,
beneath my skin.
Scrubbing, scratching, breaking
through the surface.
Yet they are still dyed
with only your remnants–
No matter what I attempt,
my natural tone is shrouded,
embedded with a foreign medium.
As time goes on,
one can only hope
Your tone will wash out
and my precious, unsullied
skin will begin to resurface.
Until then,
my hands are unknown to me,
a foreign object.
No longer my tone,
but Your tone.
Now since you’ve gone
Your tone
will temporarily dye my hands
and leave me
a stranger to myself.