Afraid of Becoming Eve
I hear the tree
It’s whispering,
“Pick me, Pick me…”
But the Apple is not pretty;
It is vile.
I walk away---
Afraid of the tree
That is now screaming---
I want nothing to do with that Black Apple,
Though others might.
I just want to spend time in the flowers,
Flitting about,
Taking in the sweet scent
Of the daisies and daffodils,
Who sing instead of scream---
But the Black Apple tree only barks louder.
I scamper farther away...
I think,
I don’t even like Apples,
Why must the tree yell so loud?
Yet the tree only releases
A more deafening roar---
And suddenly, before me,
Is another Black Apple tree.
I scream,
The Apple cackles,
And a python unfurls from the tree.
The Snake will trap me, I think.
I sprint faster,
Breathe harder,
And bound over rocks and stone.
That Black Apple won’t catch me!
But when my breathing becomes labored,
I stop and look down---
I realize
I have trampled the daisies
And the black apple tree
Was only part of a mere Dream.