Jaden Lantier Stark
I admire you on thick summer nights,
sprawled out on wet grass,
happy belly upwards, facing you.
Through tired eyes, I see you
framed up against a voided backdrop,
coupled with many stars.
May my denim run red at your whim
while you slowly shift through your phases.
I wish to live in your craters, sleep in white beds of rock,
as you dwell in my nooks and my mind.
But, I am small, far smaller than your Stars and Sun and Ocean.
If they wanted, they could drown me.
If they wanted you, they probably would have.
So, I will continue to admire you,
Quietly yearning under your light
waiting for the day when The Ocean
will swallow me whole,
so she can have you all to herself.
I wonder if you will notice when one
less person is staring at you.