It was I who woke up before the harsh sun rose
to observe sprawled across my nightstand
an unpolished monogrammed gold ring,
the chipped Mexican ceramic bowl full of loose change,
and the white tentacles of wires ensnared in another.
Amidst all the chaos I notice
the sunlight trapped in the face of the
women’s Waltham watch
that does not tick
but is frozen in time
as if i am stuck in that day forever.
When I wear it, I feel the same searing yellow pain and indigo heartache.
I am reminded of how our relationship used to tick
like the old watch once did.
Our pulses steady in unison
you the hour, and I the minute.
And for a second, despair consumes me.
But now I realize how that day changed me
and has made me stronger. And maybe,
one day in the future, the
two of us can repair the watch that is our bond,
but for now,
We’ll continue struggling to coexist in the same time zone.