I am a person who would rather live than exist.
I am a person who believes in passion as the most virtuous of virtues.
I am a person who says good morning to complete strangers.
I am a person who laughs at himself.
I am a person who believes that being different can be much better.
I am a person who develops and fosters all kinds of relationships.
I am a person who can discuss tricolon for an entire class period, personification until time
escapes from me, and hyperbole for an eternity.
I am a person who usually prefers coffee black.
I am a person who arrives early.
I am a person who, as did Newton, expects a reaction to every action.
I am a person who would rather converge than diverge.
I am a person who prefers education over schooling.
I am a person who lives for people.
I am a person who lives for my peers.
I am a person who lives to inspire and be inspired.
I am a person who has gotten where he is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.
I am a person who plans to be a giant.
I am a person who defines my Self not only as what’s in me, but also by what any given
classmate sees in me.
I am the person who plays the huge instrument.
I am the person who wears a Nehru jacket to school.
I am the person who starts the victory chant.
I am the person who is not afraid to show emotion.
I am the person who turns to Oscar Wilde for a new perspective.
I am the person whose day is only halfway over when the dismissal bell rings.
I am the person who creates films to document the talent, diversity, and beauty in my peers.
I am the person who leads a literary collective to its well deserved recognition.
I am the person who marches a seventh place band to state championship.
I am the person whose love for the people around him is obvious and intense.
I am no person to be ashamed of any of this.