Danielle Wechsler
Mar 15, 2017
A Hidden Oasis
Driving through Huntington village the young people cover the sidewalks as they make their way to the bars. They talk loudly but not...
Lila Amin
Mar 7, 2017
I Am Rebel
To escape from the cultural lies of The inferior female, Who should Cry her tears back into her eyes and Smile as his fingers dance on...
Laura Altieri
Mar 7, 2017
At four years old, I was told that I wasn't allowed to wear nail polish that wasn't pink. Red was too mature, blue was too radical,...
Zachary Bruno
Mar 7, 2017
Road Report
I drive. The road splits the desolate fields that surround me. The sun beams down on the car. I'm alone, with nothing in sight. I feel...
Matthew Bromschwig
Mar 7, 2017
Just Driving
Driving North through the mountainous crag on a cold February afternoon. Snow falling from the sky hits the ground as graceful as an...
Desi Kirina
Feb 17, 2017
You Can’t Fly a Kite in the Rain
I see right through you. If ignorance is truly bliss, I hope that you enjoy wallowing in the murky pool of your own self- pity. ...
Danielle Mattila
Feb 17, 2017
The mortal light shining through each apartment window like a candle's flames of fervor escaping its porcelain cage.
Julia Bellontine
Feb 17, 2017
The sun slowly sets and the chilly breeze blows, I begin to lose faith in a new beautiful beginning. The morning sun rises and the tree...
Taylor Taranto
Feb 17, 2017
Genuine - real as night and day; refreshing as lemonade on a hot summer evening. It's not seen everyday like the cycle of the seasons,...
Danielle Silverman
Feb 17, 2017
Lessons Learned From My Mom
Always be kind, Be kind to others, And be kind to yourself Always tell someone how you feel, Tell the people you love That you love them...