Christopher Bias
Oct 29, 2017
Wash it Off
Don’t you remember that time you messed up with the girl of your dreams. Or that time you wore that mustard yellow jacket the night of...
Brooke Decker
Oct 28, 2017
Loss is a Winter Wind
It whips through the quiet home of an unsuspecting family gathering for supper. It blows with an unrelenting speed that lifts and slams...
Natalie Zakrzewski
Oct 28, 2017
My Forest
I live in an emerald world where summer leaves fall but Christmas trees stand I live behind a bush and I wear an olive dress where I am...
Olivia Biederman
Oct 26, 2017
Hope is the first day of spring Where colors beg to be seen Red and gold, pink and green And the sun delays to set Where flowers ache to...
Nate Mcnally
Oct 26, 2017
The world is a brutish plain that is Littered with protrusions. An ocean that is Covered by rows of rocks. The pilot who steers clear...
Johnique Aiken
Oct 26, 2017
The Whole Truth be Told Slowly
Give the Whole truth, but each part be told slowly. From the dark abyss of relaying lies to the light of Truth’s harsh halo every word...
Chris Babinski
Oct 26, 2017
Potential is an unfinished building. The steel beams glisten in the sun making it hard to see for too long. The giant metal skeleton...
Aisha Majid
Oct 24, 2017
Anxiety is that moment after lightning strikes; When the air still crackles with the ghost of the flash When the world holds itself tight...
Nadia Lubrano
Oct 24, 2017
Neglect is an overgrown garden. Tattered gardening gloves buried beneath the soil’s surface. Blackberry brambles towering over wrought...
Tim Jobson
Oct 9, 2017
Feel too much. Express too little. Outside I shush. Inside I scream. Begging to be heard. Anger is amplified. Hatred is humming. Danger...