Hannah Cruz
Apr 15, 2021
You are The Sun
Your glow at dawn is the invitation of life, love and prosperity, however your ascension brings nothing but misery. The illumination of your
Humza Asif
Apr 13, 2021
Constantly being hated
Never wanting to be seen to make it
Always being put down
Called a terrorist or a bomber
What could I do?
Amanda Smuss
Apr 9, 2021
Sticks, Stones, and Glass Houses
I let insults fly and hit me like pebbles, tiny terrible wounds and welts bubbled on my skin
I never raised my arms up to protect my face,
Hope Levin
Apr 7, 2021
I see, hear, think about, and feel you everyday.
Your presence is always dreadful,
like a lightning bolt
slammed down by Thor’s
mighty hamme
Yulisa Gonzalez
Mar 18, 2021
Deep-Rooted Thoughts
Thoughts in the brain are like roots attached to trees.
No matter how long the bark
Dalton Marzigliano
Mar 16, 2021
Winter Nights
Reflections in ice, clouded by flurries
as my coat shifts in the storm.
The street is white, barren, a holiday dream.
It’s left uncelebrated
Kortney Wilkerson Ferguson
Mar 13, 2021
Quiet Storm
My brain is silent when I
need it to produce poetic lines
to fulfill my final year of
high school english class.
Poetry pictured in my hea
Cal Eidenoff
Mar 11, 2021
Rejection of Passivity
Standing ready to release all my anguish
As the rain beats upon my head, the whole Weight of the world — damning —
If not to drive me to ins
Alexa Toledo
Mar 9, 2021
The bright fiery daytime dwindles
into a night of a cooling dark blue as
if one has sunk to the bottom of the
Sophie Fyfe
Mar 4, 2021
Lest I Die Unbloomed
Why should not folks be mad
My dear, when women
Wear the same painted face
And men the same slant