Gabriel Gonzalez
Sep 24, 2021
In the clearing of a temperate, oak-filled forest, a small log cabin once stood. Day after day, a carpenter worked on expanding his cozy...
Sep 15, 2021
Please Write Poetry
Dust will bury you. Know this. You know this.
Cal Eidenoff
Jul 20, 2021
The Veil of Impressions
I sit here at my desk.
Spiderwebs caress its corners,
As I contemplate tragedy.
“Another one taken from us too soon.”
Why do we say such is
Maria Garcia
Jul 20, 2021
Two cars, two lanes and one red light.
I’m seated, buckled in. My car
is silent.
I turn to my right and see a stranger.
Windows closed.
I wo
Danielle DeGaray
Jul 15, 2021
was this a place of
was this full on Sunday mornings
The pews with families dressed in their best,
the choir
Anastasia Akapnitis
Jul 15, 2021
I remember
the plastic box
with a colorful plastic screen
protecting my ham and cheese pieces,
my crackers,
and my Capri-Sun juice pouch.
Max Peretson
Jul 13, 2021
Catch my breath and hold me.
The bond we have is once
and once only to have.
The chandelier dangles by a thread
but continues to hang for a
Brianna White
Jul 8, 2021
The Space Between
I remained...
caught between two
ideas you could never
choose from.
You paused
any thought of me
to pursue another.
The twisted trial
Aidan Wallace
Jul 6, 2021
The ABC's
t’s 7:29 A.M.
The squealing alarm does not shut up
and the cozy bed just won’t let go.
I force myself to get up and my feet feel like bri
Aniyah Walters
Jul 1, 2021
When We Talk
it’s like skating
on thin ice.
I watch for the cracks
as you jump and stomp
before we fall into frigid water.
The coldness hit
hard like