Kevin Rankel
Oct 7, 2021
It is inside everyone. While some keep it covered, others let it shine. It can be flicked on and off, by whomever. If the light begins to...
Serena Heddell
Oct 6, 2021
Tickling the Ivory
Songwriters and composers are very similar to us. Whether you realize it or not. From hours on end to sleepless nights, a poor...
Jonathan Holleran
Oct 5, 2021
Cumulonimbus clouds is where it sprouts. Rain swallowed into the spring falling into the steep ravine. Dropping into its elevation the...
Ashley Magee
Oct 4, 2021
Forever Changing
I lay down watching the white fluffy clouds flow by as they create pictures of dancing dogs in the sky above. The laughter of other...
David Haller
Oct 3, 2021
Dusk to Dawn
It comes at dusk, and shines bright with the stars in the night sky. The quietness in the dark, with wind blowing away the leaves. The...
Emmy Bitonti
Oct 2, 2021
False Display
Tap tap tap the wood of this house, a low flat sound sings in response. This house has a secret unseen to the eye, presenting so...
Ashli Wuss
Oct 1, 2021
Floating Dreams
As the little girl runs through the meadow, feeling the silky green grass on her soft supple feet, she spots a singular, white fluffy...