Gianna Conte
Oct 19, 2021
Pastel water colors dripping down the page. Brushes of all thickness dancing swiftly across the canvas. The slow and silent strokes of...
Ryan Davis
Oct 18, 2021
The driveway sits and observes the passersby— people pulling in and leaving. The driveway bears the burden of wearing the weight of...
Monica Rios Reyes
Oct 17, 2021
Without Purpose
Dull days begin early. Usually with a cup of coffee. It's been a long journey. Days consist of sitting on a rundown sofa. Hours knitting...
Ashley Magee
Oct 16, 2021
Far Far Away
I often wish I was a kite. One high up in the sky, that sways freely in the cool wind with a red velvet ribbon dangling down the side....
Patrick McHale
Oct 14, 2021
Sudden Death
The deafening explosion knocks the men off their feet. Brightness blinding each brigadier. Fear runs among them, because they know they...
Serena Heddell
Oct 13, 2021
How can an item so dangerous be so calming? The flame flickers in the air with an amber glow while she settles down to stop shaking from...
David Haller
Oct 12, 2021
Cigarette Trails
Young and new, the cigarette burns fiercely. The ashes flying off the tip with a sense of relief and happiness, as the smoke leaves a...
David Haller
Oct 12, 2021
Wood Scars
The days are like wood, getting older overtime. They are unaware of the decay, like termites damaging cross beams in a house. The dusty...
Violet Le Claire
Oct 12, 2021
saturnalia and the golden age
i wake up with these cuts and bruises, wondering where they could have come from. the deep purples and greens and the bright reds and...
Gabriel Gonzalez
Oct 9, 2021
Often, it was invisible to my eyes, yet it was still always present. Changing perspective was all it took for me to see the reflection of...