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Sophie Fyfe



Katie Mondry

Fragile Bloom
Kate Adams

My pale skin is quick to burn,

as fragile as a cupcake wrapper—torn.


Himalayan salt is quick to break,

Like a leotard pulled until it aches.


Everyone’s seemingly filled with cheer, 

Yet all I see is doubt and fear.


Cherry blossoms may grow and glow,

but their petals will always fall, light and slow.


Skies dim as night takes hold.

A fleeting warmth, both soft and cold.

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The girl in the reflection

Delmy Garcia

I can be abrupt music in a quiet room.

Bouncing off the walls,

barreling out like steel balls.


The sound of bangles

sharp like sewing needles.

Echoing through the halls,

empty like blank cds.


Reaching into the distance,

grabbing ahold of essentials.

Loose change rings as quarters fall.


Keychains jingle like bells

laughter erupts as faces flood in

a window reflection metallic like 

a lip gloss cap.


Like a quick kiss on the cheek

the day ends.

But strings strum with a beat.

So familiar yet so distinct.


Looking out I can see her, 

only metallic from my reflection.

I remember who I am. 

I am the music grabbing my own attention. 

Abigail Kaloo

 By Abigail Kaloo


Vanessa Muellers


My optimism is a starving rat in

a winter hellscape,

searching for scraps somewhere without,

aiming for heat where there is only ice,

finding false hopes in every berry,

only to find an even worse fate,

there it now lies in

the snow—a dead rat

with an empty stomach.

Music for the Soul

-after Emily Dickinson

Ella Brenner


Hope is the composition of a musician—

Chords progressing over the course of the piece—

Decrescendoing to the softest Piano,

Then gradually growing to the greatest Forte.


Although sharp staccatos stab the paper,

The Coda takes us back to the softer section—

Where tenutos talk us to a gentle Slumber—

While music continues on—forever.

Pages of Me   

Shea Gannon 


I can be an acrid cigarette, siphoning 

strength from brittle bones. 

Cocooned in sweet milk, 

nourishing pearly teeth. 


The withered chalk, after hours of work, 

needing a pillow to wane 

ghosts of my day—

Ghosts of my day.


Snow, Glistening to the eye,

glacial to the touch, 

thirsting for sugar,

not salt, to thaw the cold sores.


A silent kiss from the sky,

healing as slow as winter,

quiet as regret, 

soft as pages 

in a fresh-pressed book.

Ava Hedstrom

The paintbrush bristles being my words

mixed in an old cup of water 

stained with ochre paint.


Similar to an old coffee ring

left behind—

waiting to get washed away.


As my earrings 

pierce, dangle, sting,

holding heavy in my ears,

blend within my curls.


Yet often with the rush 

of bulbs and lamps.

They shine.


Whether it’s walking on 

pine needles or sea shells, 

I crunch, but not too loud.


Like unshaped clay

waiting to be finished and glazed,

but doing it myself anyway.

Brandon Salazar

By Brandon Salazar

Sienna Leaver


When she loathes me, I know it. Jabs and slurs: her 

rapturous melodies. Her words are harsh and unyielding, 

but they burn in front of me in full view. Even so, she 

fences with a ghost assailant, cutting right through me 

but never landing. Still, she slices away, leaving nothing 

to the imagination. She is unrelenting, tells me I am 

evil and quiet, calculating and uncommunicative, there 

but not. At least, she says, you know my pain. At least, 

she says, I share it with you. She tells me it’s our pain 

now because she wants it to be. She wants to share 

it, wants to share something, wants to share anything, 

so that maybe we can land back on common ground. 


What’s wrong? she asks, poking, prodding, pushing her 

bones next to mine as if she can knit them together, as if 

we are not already suffocatingly close, as if I cannot taste 

her thoughts on my breath, as if she can jump into me 

when the time is right, when my mouth opens and her 

golden ticket appears. Still I say nothing so she asks 

again and again and again. It’s a fevered pitch, an angry 

hum, a symphony. Watch me, I dare, as I blur my edges 

and shift my hues, shifting my face from her view. We’re 

sinking, love. Tell me why, then, she pleads, but I can be 

unrelenting, unyielding too. I let her wonder because I know 

that she has solutions, but I like being unanswerable. 

I am a Mirror 

Palak Singh


Silently watching. 

Waiting for a new image to stare at. 

Fatigued—peering at the same expressions everyday. 

She stares deep into me,

admiring her imperfections.

Wondering not about my soul, but solely the reflection I offer.  

Would she ever wonder who I am? 

Does she know I can see her? 

I wait patiently, hoping for another to come along and watch me. 

Hoping for a new beauty—

to peer into me. Hoping that one day, 

someone will see me 

for what I am. 


Maggie Motherway


The stoplight lingers, red against 

the empty street, while my hand 

hovers above the steering wheel, 

unsure whether to tap or rest. 


In the grocery line, a toddler screams.

I read the cereal boxes, the colors 

blurring as if I could quiet the noise. 


Laundry tumbles in the washer, and I 

listen to the thud, resisting the urge to 

check if the clothes are done, though 

I know they aren’t


The elevator stalls between floors,

I press the button once, twice, then three times,

but it hums in its own time, 

as if teaching me to breathe slower. 


My text message goes unanswered for days.

I place my phone face down on the table,

pretending like I don’t care about the silence.


At the doctor’s office, the clock ticks loud,

waiting rooms full of wrinkled magazines

and coughs. I sit, legs still, knowing

I can’t do anything but wait for my name. 

Abigail Burkitt


Our origin, 



Gravity encasing,

touching every inch,

holding you.


We are judged by our volume and mass. 

The amount of space we hold.

As if 

the stars will carve snide remarks out of their carbon.

Meant to erode our spirits. 


Subsequently, we’re taught to retrace

the paths, 

so our neurons can flow with ease,

so the synapse is free of, 

mortal standards.


Gravity does not judge,

masses of meteorite do not judge,

so why do we judge,

when the stars will always welcome us 



Madeleine Bas


You abducted me from my atrium,

entrapping my turpentine in your 

jagged bristles.


As you pushed me to the linen,

I eroded your phthalo blues,

stripping away your muddled water lilies, 

perfecting your nighthawks, 

and igniting your windpipes through 

sparked parliaments.


I’ll bear the endless cycle of suffocating Senneliers 

to intoxicate you 

until I’m hung in the air of your gallery.

Andreas Psarris

How could a toy speak?

Angeliz Pierantoni

I want to master boundaries-


Not feeling like the book 

Your grandma gave you to read

That you tossed to the side.


Or the plant in your house 

On the poorly lit window sill

That you forgot to water.


The rubix cube you found 

In the park down the road,

That now sits on your shelf,

Collecting dust.


All the while helpless.

Letting life pass by.

By Andreas Psarris


Ethan Thody


I stare at the wooden plank, only one thought in mind.

The waves surrounding— they fill the environment with soothing silence —

yet the silence was still so loud. 

We lay here wordless, listening to the birds and boats soar by.

As the sun beams down, striking our skin, the rays that once felt dangerous,

now feel harmless. 

The sound of the water striking the kayak is the only thing keeping me awake.

The surround sound chatter of those who wish to never leave. 

While I stare at the wooden plank, I can not help but think of those chocolate eyes—

the ones that used to stare right back at me. 

Natalia Morales

 Natalia Morales

A stain to stay

Jonathan Ramos 

“If It wasn't there wouldn't It be so pretty?”

Sometimes I feel like a burden to you.

Understand I didn't ask to be born from your mess.


You had a beautiful red dress.

Until your loose hands gave life to me. 

I've spent life wearing a smile across your figure.


In our broken home you never stopped reaching 

for the hot water and baking soda.

Does my yellow complexion upset you that much?


Enough time convinced I am fools gold.

I still shine bright going down your obliques.

My notability pains her ego —it's not for her.


Born from uncertain circumstances.

I'm a beauty regardless if I'm a part of you.

I'll continue regardless as this life was meant for me. 

Faded, Forgotten

Abigail Kaloo


I sit with my blank sheet

of white paper;

It’s been a while since I have.

I look over to my left,

reaching for the sparkly box of markers

I've had since I was little.

A simple picture,

a simple scenery

is all I think of.

I run the blunt tip

of the blue marker

across the top of the paper, 

listening to how it squeaks 

like a rusty, old door hinge

with every few strokes.

I frown to the faded pigment 

it left,

with little gaps of white

of what I wanted to be

a fully blue sky.

I press down on the marker 


as I put the sun in the corner,

and fields of faded green

make the hills.

In the end, there’s a picture.

It isn’t museum worthy

or full of color.

But there is a picture.

A story being told.

A faded, simple scenery

I've made a hundred times?

It may not be sensible,

but it’s special.

I tape the picture I’ve seen a hundred times,

from my young years,

to when I  needed a form of familiarity,

to my wall.

Faded, forgotten

is the dried out markers

that sit on the edge of my desk, 

drained of their life,

longing to be used

once more.

Something yet Nothing 

Makayla Lewis

The feeling of a gunshot wound, shaped sharp

like a thorn on a bush. Dirty drain clogged with

hair, broken disc on replay, rubber tires constantly 

moving, meaningless. 


Lost not wanting to be found, silence becoming 

loud. Empty roads, mind crowded, looking for 

a reason. The sound of silence like a 

graveyard. Something there like the shade, yet

nothing but sand surrounding the area.


Turf sulking in your shoe, a trash can getting 

garbage thrown into, dark lonely nights. Undiscovered

bodies of water, structured as a question mark. Definition 

but no meaning, end of the tunnel, street light beaming

on the road, darkness hugging around it. 

Suffocating in thoughts, pondering beneath the

covers, a mug of straight coffee. Late night walks,

air brushing across your ear, paranoid. Apathetic 


Silenced Voices 

Ava Tsolis 


Pointe shoes — layers of paper, plastic, and fabric 

stitched together. 

Each step makes a strong, powerful clunk. 


Tchaikovsky echoes to the dressing rooms. 

Handmade headpieces saturated with criss-crossed bobby pins. 

Hairspray, fueling some with confidence, inducing coughing fits in others. 

Cameras click, behind which are either professionals or parents, 

unaware their finger missed the record button. 


Classes, rehearsals, photoshoots, performances. 

And the shoes are dead. 

Layers now broken down, only capable of letting out a 

weak, muted thud upon hitting the marley. 


A resounding voice now silenced, 

overwhelmed by life’s trials and pressures. 

An irreversible state — glue 

may provide temporary relief. 

Makayla Castillo


In the coming of December’s cold,

When I search for refuge in you

And wonder where you’ve gone,
I will instead look to the sun —

The heat you built in my heart,

And follow you there.

Porter Chetty


Illusions of all is well surround me.

I’ve built up these mirages that help me forget

that we are broken—

that we aren’t whole.

Numb. A crumbling wall of numbness.

I’ve spent so much time building it up,

but I will let it fall,

and learn to feel.

Red, blue, yellow, and pink.    
Genevieve Esposito 


You sat on the scratchy old carpet in the messy living room,

Waiting for mom and dad to sit down and play with you.


You had the board set up, with your designated character,

Just hoping they wouldn't notice.


You stole it—


Throughout the night you traveled the rainbow road, 

The only road you knew how to cross.


Red, blue, yellow, and pink.


To the peppermint forest, the lollipop woods, and to lord licorice. 


From the hidden gingerbread men, and gumdrops galore.

You absolutely adored it. 


But when you took the wrong card, you were back again to mrs.gingerbread tree,

The old woman who started the game.


You cried.


Mom and dad let you win.

Red, blue, yellow, and pink.

To the candy castle and king candy. 

Lilah Black

 Photograph by Lilah Black

Cookie Jar

Katie Mondry


Precious porcelain.

Thrown and pulled.

Bisqued and then painted—


cobalt blue.

Fired by careful,

but unsteady hands

wielding tongs;

offering earnest supplication 

for its safety.


The vitrified glaze,

sleek and smooth, 

but bubbled roughly 

'round the edges

from the kiln.

But better bubbled

than shattered— 

splintered then shot.



reverence wears as 

cobalt pales.

Stored in the kitchen— 

rather than on the mantle.


Now cookies nest.

Crumbs invade each crack

and crevice.


eaten greedily.

Grubby hands and

lids slammed in disappointment;

vacancy staring back from within.

Growing Up
Elise Abbate


You start as a seed.

Just a dot in the ground.

Then you poke your head out.

Out of the dirt and familiar warmth.

And before you know it,

you’re a weeping willow in a park,

on the side of a busy road.

Growing up, everyone tells you “time flies,”

or to enjoy something “while it lasts.”

But you can never actually see that time 

whizzing past.


From a seed you become a sprout

searching for sustenance,

you dig into the earth and plant your roots where you’ve landed.

You become accustomed to the scent of grandma’s house on warm summer days, 

and the dull sound of mom starting dinner on a cold winter night.

Still close to the ground, 

you’re comfortable.


Then from a sprout you turn into a sapling,

roots digging deeper into the ground.

Friendly flowers and smiling spruce’s make up the growing forest surrounding you.

Now you dance through the living room with Amber,

where the high ceilings and big windows make it feel like a stage.

Friends and friends of friends 

slowly become like family. 


But now, you’re not a seed, or a sprout, or a sapling.

Now you’re a tree.

With deep set roots and flowing leaves.

Branching toward the sky, you bend 

uncomfortably and dance and cry with the wind and rain, 

sun and stars. 

Now, warm summer days are filled with beachy ocean air,

cold winter nights are spent in loud studios.

Those high ceilings, the living-room stage is transformed into a study spot,

where your silly old dog lays. 

The terrain around you has changed, and will continue to change.

Because the willow tree in the park

was not always and will never be

the same. 

Maryam Malik

Photo by Maryam Malik

Shattered Peace
Katie Mondry


Broken glass

scattered across hardwood floors.

Shooting every which way,

disrupting my dormant dust bunnies.

Each fragment embedding itself into the grain.

Waiting patiently to dig deep into the soft sole of my foot.

Choking on my own anticipation,

the stale air thickens

suffocating my frail

withered lungs.

Adrenaline frantically pumping 

the rush of blood

thumping in my ears.

The sudden crash still reverberating

through the recesses of my brain.

Jaw clenched and waiting.

The silence is heavy, humid.

Damp with my paranoia.

Caty Ramos

Photograph by Caty Ramos

Ryan Gulickson

Ryan Gulickson

Janiana Thai

on the discolored wood floors of Daddy’s office.

Cramped between the looming file cabinet and the cluttered wire rack

who cover craters and cobwebs on the log walls—

hidden from sunlight.

The single battery-powered light hangs 

over Hai’s hunched head.

Hai clamps the three sunrise strings of Mommy’s choice. 

Unwrapped from the Taco Bell box cut-out,

onto the scribbled-over clipboard—

a knot and then criss-crossing all the way down. 

Chin perched on her warm shoulder, 

I get to watch. 


The floorboards creak under Daddy’s sandpaper feet.

Shuffling past the scratches on his office desk,

only discovered when pounds and pounds of paper

with left-justified words that I can barely sound out

find their place in the shredder.

Hands folded behind his back, observing.

Dirtied hands, hole-infested and paint-covered T-shirt—

eyes squinted. With dents 

on the sides of his oily nose from his bug-eyed glasses.


Between darting eyes and self conscious awakening,

breathing becomes manual.

A forced in. and out.


He turns around 

his dry feet drag across the floor, out the door. 

Everything unchanged.

Blade’s edge dull or sharp

Embrace aggression or peace.

God's love, infinite.

Anthony Maraboli


With purpose, what can man not do? What pain can they not bring? Faith's limitless boundaries, at times, ignite unimaginable horrors; The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, the Partition of India. The annals of history bear witness to the paradox between suffering and solace. The same aggressive love inspires humility, selflessness, and unity. Virtues of compassion in Buddhism, charity in Christianity, justice in Islam. A motive for our indomitable human spirit against the cruel indifference of the universe.

Eye Spy
Sophia Hassman


Sitting, an eager desire to reign champion—

the letter I sending shivers down the spine of all life.


Time sweeps, anticipation springs.

The three letter word that erupts competition. 


The irony of the “little eye” 

as the peepers persist determination,

stubborn wide will. 


Something difficult perhaps. Something red. 


A car. A stop sign. A ladybug. All declared by rivalry.


Guesses remained futile, full of failure.

Eye win again.

Ode to a Razorblade
William Iemma


A weapon of sculpting, indispensable 

in a war of thoughtless, bloody scars

and scarred, bloodied thoughts.


A tool of creation, gracefully cleaving

through cardboard and cardstock

and mending misplaced paints.


A utensil of nurturing, a protective flame

born from its shredding of fibers and twigs

or a wound treated by the hastily severed bandage.


I thank you for your precise, vicious separation— 

the necessary restructuring responsible for creating


a blossoming, beautiful being. 

Featured Artists

   Our Dear Cool Father. 

Walt Whitman_edited.jpg

Congratulations to the Xanadu community!!

We are 2022/23 Crown Award Recipients. This is an honor presented to our digital publication by the Columbia University  Scholastic Press Association. 


This award honors the top online student galleries chosen from those of its members.

Xanadu was one out of two online magazines nationwide to receive such prestigious recognition.

Xanadu is the  only gallery in New York selected.

Much thanks to the many hands and hearts who contribute to the magazine.  

Want to know more? Click here.

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